Monday 3 September 2007

Shrinking Lake Chad Highlights Environmental Change

Quite startling images of Lake Chad in today's papers really bring home the impact of humankind on the global environment. Sattelite images indicate that since 1963 the lake has reduced in size by 95%. The Scotsman ran an article on this very topic and also mentioned that Mount Kilimanjaro has lost 80% of its ice cap in the past 100 years and that the Dead Sea is 25 metres lower than it was 50 years ago. You can read the article at:

Anyway, don't want to say too much on the topic (just a quick blog today and I have written an article for the SNP Student Wing newspaper on the issue of climate change, and don't want to spoil that for you when you all rush out to read that!) but the pictures of Lake Chad were one of the starkest examples of the change to the Earth's environment in the last decades.

I am aware that there are those who question humankind's role in global warming, and I am hardly an expert in this field, although I do note that the vast majority of mainstream scientific opinion does seem to be in support of the viewpoint that we have and continue to play a determining factor in this trend. However, those who question our role have to ask themselves the question, can we afford to gamble that we haven't played any part? Wouldn't it be safer to assume we have and act accordingly and strive to make environmental improvements.

Anyway, I'm off to play my part by saving some energy by ending this post and turning off my computer for the night.


Anonymous said...

...and if you want to read Jamie's article for Liberate (the SNP Student Wing Newspaper) on Climate change and the challenge we all face, it'll be at a Freshers Fair near you soon, just head for the stall with lots of SNP symbols around it...

Angry Steve said...

The vast majority of pro agw scientists, when asked, supported the theory...


Anonymous said...

angry steve,

See the following:

This article I first found through reference to it in An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore (at p.262 where he deals with the issue of scientific recognition of global warming). Try reading An Inconvenient Truth. In fact, just try reading...

Angry Steve said...

One can only assume that you've either not read, or simply ignored the reports on Lake Chad having shrunk due to irrigation demands, and not global warming.

One can also assume that you are more than willing to believe that global warming can be stopped by sending all of your money directly to Al Gore.

Whilst I may try reading some day, you, sir, should try thinking. It's quite liberating.

Anonymous said...

I happen to believe that the reduction in Lake Chad is due to both irrigation issues and global warming.

I look forward to you next claiming that the reduction in the Greenland ice sheet is due to irrigation... :D

Johnny said...
(posted 03.08.06)
``This study suggests there was a slight gain in the total mass of frozen water in the ice sheet over the decade studied, contrary to previous assessments.''

Johnny said...

While we're ignoring Lake Chad and worrying about ice cover...

``Record High Antarctic Ice Levels Ignored by Media''

Angry Steve said...

Whilst it is nice to hear from NASA that the ice sheets have grown, it is not really relevant to the discussion on the shrinking of Lake Chad.

Anonymous said...

You're citing Noel Sheppard? Seriously???

And as for the NASA bit:

NASA Study Predicts More Severe Storms With Global Warming 08.30.07

Research Finds That Earth's Climate is Approaching 'Dangerous' Point

NASA Mission Checks Health of Greenland's Ice Sheet and Glaciers

This last article is most revealing: "Past measurements from the team have shown that areas of ice along the Greenland coast have been thinning while inland areas have thickened. However, when these changes are taken as a whole, Greenland has experienced a significant loss of ice" and "we'll finalize results that will offer researchers around the world a glimpse of what we expect will indicate a continuing trend of ice loss on the island." Why did you not quote this!?

As for Lake Chad, I have already made it clear that I believe the cause can be attributed to more than one factor. Does the decline in rainfall in the region mean nothing to you?

Johnny said...

Heads you win, tails I lose.

Under the direction of Hansen NASA can be relied to produce figures to suit your purpose.

See also...

Fact is you believe whilst I require _real_ evidence. I might as well argue about religion with someone as try to discuss climatology with you.

The scientific method should be our guide, not ideology.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen or heard what impact recent flooding in Chad has done to/for Lake Chad?

Anonymous said...

Will Anonymouse (sic), Angry Steve and Johnny join with me in congratulating Mr Gore and the IPCC for the award of the Nobel Peace Prize 2007? :-D I am sure Mr Justice Burton is as delighted as we all are.

Re: the impact of flooding on Lake Chad, I haven't heard apart from the flooding being largely in the East of what is a very big country, but then of course you knew that...