That's right folks, Tony Blair the discredited and worn out Prime Minister of the UK we all know and love.
The document makes for interesting reading. Included in it are statements such as "the incompetent Tories got us into the Falklands War - now the Falklands fortress is costing us billions". my friend was quick to point out isn't this interesting coming from the same man who has now bungled us into the Iraq War which has costs thousands of soldiers and innocent civillians their lives as well as lumbering the UK with a bill somewhere in the region of £6billion? I think it might just be the one and the same Tony Blair.
The leaflet also says "the Tories would rather spend £10billion on Trident missiles than try to stop the growing nuclear arms race". Only £10billion you say Tony? Sounds like a snip compared to the possible £100billion cost that you want to burden the taxpayer with for a replacement to Trident! Come to mention it, what do you make of the statement contained within your 1983 leaflet that "we don't need dangerous and costly Trident and Cruise missiles". What's changed?
Just goes to show how far travelled the young Tony Blair has gone to become the reactionary and conservative figure that he is today. I wonder what 1983 Tony would make of today's incarnation of himself. Chances are he probably wouldn't like what he saw.
To see the leaflet yourself please press on the images below for a larger image:

Hi, i thoght i would post a comment on the subject of election materials since i was sentone through the post a while ago from you as a newsletter for young people. I agree with a lot of the things you were talking about and was wondering if you were going to be sending anymore out or if you would be goingout campaigning in the area -perhaps u could set up a diary of when you are going to be in the area and i would be able to help out if thats ok because i would like to get involved.
Is it not a bit hypocritical to attack another party's leader for going back on what they said earlier when your own London-based leader once famously said about potentially returning as leader of the SNP “If nominated, I’ll decline. If drafted, I’ll defer. And if elected I’ll resign.” only to be forced to backpedal furiously when confronted with the dearth of talent in your own party.
P.S. I'm pretty sure this was a more recent event than 1983!
Many thanks for reading my blog and posting your comments here.
I am glad you appreciated the youth newsletter we sent you and we should be sending you a new edition soon, so please look out for it.
I would be very glad if you wanted to get involved in our campaign. The best way for us to sort that out is probably if you drop me a line on my e-mail at
Please get in touch and we can get that arranged.
Meantime, keep reading the blog and posting your comments. Feel free to encourage others to do the same.
Andrew - Are you seriously trying to compare this to the decision to flip flop on nuclear weapons and to engage the country in an illegal war that has cost tens of thousands of people their lives? I cannot take your comments very seriously I am afraid.
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