Friday 8 June 2007

Monklands A&E Saved

A few days late with this post I know - but things have been pretty hectic of late. Anyway, I was absolutely delighted with the announcement made on Wednesday that the A&E at Monklands Hospital would be saved, just as the SNP promised it would be should we win the election and form the government.

A lot had been said by certain cynics that the SNP only made the promise to save the A&E out of electoral expediency and that it was a pledge that would go unfulfilled. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that the SNP took the decision to promise to save the A&E because any reasonable analysis of health services in Lanarkshire dictate that it had to remain open.

The A&E is sited in a location of high deprivation and the associated problems that brings, such as above average levels of ill health. I doubt it can be proved that any such area which has lost its local A&E has then gone on to see improvements to the local population's health as a consequence.

Furthermore, the transport links through the NHS Lanarkshire area are such that the various communities presently served by the three operating A&Es are poorly connected. This is not to mention the overcrowding at A&E at the remaining sites if the A&E at Monklands had closed.

For these reasons and more we took the decision to save the A&E. It was the right thing to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It was the right thing to do."

That is the attitude that sums up the SNP in government so far. More good has been done for Scotland in a month of SNP government than in 8 years of Lib/Lab partnership.