Thursday 14 June 2007

Scotland's Parliament Says no to Trident

Today was quite historic. For the first time, the Scottish Parliament has actually taken a clear position on the issue of nuclear weapons and their presence in Scotland.

The issue of the Trident nuclear weapons system has been debated before in the Parliament, but never before has such a position been reached.

Some concern was expressed by Labour members that the Parliament shouldn't be discussing the matter. This faux concern with constitutional niceties disguised their real concern that they might be forced to express a view on the matter themselves.

In the end most of them abstained, although congratulations are due to those Labour representatives who stood up for their principles and voted against Trident renewal.

There are those who would have Scotland contained to its own kailyard and impotent to voice its opinion on matters such as nuclear weapons. Clearly as a Scottish National Party MSP you would not expect me to agree with a such a stance. However, I can quite clearly state that of the many people contacting me about the matter advocated the cowardice avenue of failing to express an opinion. Indeed, all urged me to vote against Trident renewal.

I was delighted that not only did I do so today, but a majority of my parliamentary colleagues did so as well.


Angry Steve said...

Well, it's always nice to see my taxes being wasted by the Scottish Parliament as they discuss things that are nothing to do with them.

The parliament should be scrapped, and something more useful should be done with the money saved. Even burning it would do.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jamie on the Trident vote. If this sort of thing keeps provoking reaction from the likes of 'angry steve' then all the better!

Steve, last time I checked the entire UK nuclear weapons fleet was based in Scotland... I think that is an issue of importance to our country and parliament!

Angry Steve said...

Well, clearly, it is not - otherwise Defence wouldn't be a reserved matter ...

I am all for people airing their opinions on this, but the wee pretendy parliament is not the place for it. Take your concerns to Westminster.

Anonymous said...

Defence is indeed "reserved" under section 9, Schedule 5 of the Scotland Act 1998.

However Steve, it may have escaped your attention but Jamie Hepburn is a Scottish Nationalist MSP. They tend not to like the distinction between "reserved" and "devolved"! In any case Trident is not only a defence related issue - see the Greens proposed Bill on transport of Trident missiles by trunk road and inshore water.

I see the views of a Billy-Connolly-type-Scot coming through from Steve. His remarks on "the wee pretendy parliament" give the game away - A Scottish cringe that is vast and embarrassing...

Tell me, Stevo, why is the defence of Scotland better "reserved" to Westminster than dealt with in Scotland? In fact, tell us why you think all our affairs should be decided in another country?

Angry Steve said...

It doesn't bother me where we are governed from - as long as they don't make an arse of it.

I see myself as Scottish, then British - I don't see anything wrong with the Union, nor do I see any reason to break it up to pacify a few people who think we need to go it alone to affirm our identities, or that we are somehow a lesser nation because of it. I really don't see how that can be described as "the Scottish cringe". What is cringe-worthy is yet another parliament, which costs us a fortune, doesn't actually govern Scotland in any sensible fashion, introduced yet another sink hole for our taxes, introduced yet another layer of bureaucracy, and allowing yet another group of self aggrandizing wasters to lie to us on a daily basis with regards to how they really have the best interests of the Scottish people at heart...

Don't even start me on a motion from the (2) green MSPs. Allowing Luddites to run the country will not help Scotland either as part of the Union, or as an independent nation.

If you're so keen on our affairs being handled within Scotland, what's your stance on the Europe? Can we expect full independence from that too?

Anonymous said...

"If you're so keen on our affairs being handled within Scotland, what's your stance on the Europe? Can we expect full independence from that too?"

My stance on "the Europe" depends on which "the Europe" you mean... the EU, Council of Europe, OSCE or EEA? If by "full independence" you mean withdrawal from the EU I very much doubt it. I wasn't aware of the EU wanting control over WMD issues anyway, which is what I thought Jamie's article was about.

"It doesn't bother me where we are governed from - as long as they don't make an arse of it" you now claim but you started this thread by calling for "the [Scots]parliament to be scrapped" and burnt to the ground :-O That looks like a clear extreme unionist position to me. Has Westminster made less of "an arse of it" than Holyrood then in your view?

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

I hope Iran has the same view, why is the SNP trying to turn Scotland into a little defenceless state. I agree it would be great to not need nuclear weapons and the money could be better used somewhere else, but look at some of the despot countries that are arming themselves. I think this is just another pick a fight with Westminster. It is clear the SNP want to turn Scotland into a puppet state of the European dictatorship

Anonymous said...

Aberdeen Patriot,
If your national pride rests on a capability to vapourise other countries which don't agree with you, perhaps you should re-examine your motives.
Tell me, when was the last non-nuclear country attacked with nuclear weapons, and why should Iran attack us? Anything to do with our insane link up with the USA in Iraq, perhaps?
If by actually daring to disagree with Westminster, we are accused of 'picking a fight', then you have a very sad and pathetic opinion of your own country.
It is nothing to do with the EU, or picking a fight.
It has everything to do with standing up for our own principles, and letting people know about it.
As for Steve, there's nothing to say that will overcome such entrenched negativism.
Grow a forelock, trust me, it'll suit you.

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

I am like Steve, I am Scottish, then British. The snp are anti English, but are happy to fill Scotland up with any other nationality who wants to plunder our taxes. I am really proud of Scotland and never want to be run from Brussels. Thats why I back the union, and the flag that all of our forefathers fought under.

Ahh except the SNP who backed anyone refusing to defend our country. And if my history is correct the Crypto Fascist SNP actually supported Hitler.